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Bias & Safety

AI are trained on unsafe and undocumented data

The training data sets for most of the big language models are undocumented, making it impossible to assess the risk of biased or unsafe output. Some of the data used is unsafe, biased, or even outright illegal.

Unsafe output can expose you to liability

It’s unclear whether hosting immunity such as the US’s Section 230 applies to the output of hosted AI. Organisations might be liable for extremist, violent, or pornographic content generated by a model they host.

Biased output can expose you to liability

In most countries, it’s illegal to outright discriminate against women and minorities, but this is exactly what language models tend to do. Using them to automate decisions or assessments risks exposing you to legal liability.

Prompts are next to impossible to secure

You will have users who try to generate porn or unsafe output. Preventing it is next to impossible. That’s why you should prefer internal use for productivity over external use by customers.

Dated language can cost you

Language models are trained on mostly dated language. Social media from the 2010s. Marketing blog posts. Book collections gathered a decade ago.

Dated language in marketing, when demographics have changed, will not be as effective.

Increased costs, not decreased

When not-good-not-bad content can be generated in unprecedented volume, effective writing and illustration becomes more expensive. You will need to work harder and invest more to stand out.


Cover for the book 'The Intelligence Illusion'

These cards were made by Baldur Bjarnason.

They are based on the research done for the book The Intelligence Illusion: a practical guide to the business risks of Generative AI .

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