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Image Generation

Diffusion models can generate realistic images

These systems are trained on large image collections, which lets them mimic many common photography styles.

Those images often have flaws or defects

An AI model does not have any understanding of anatomy, physics, or three-dimensional spaces. They frequently get relative sizes, structure, and the mechanics of objects wrong. Some of these flaws can be prevented by the AI vendor, but not all.

Integration into existing software is vital

The most effective way to mitigate the limitations of a diffusion model and leverage its strengths, is to use it as an integrated tool in larger image manipulation software. It can be extremely capable at transforming or modifying existing images.

By their nature, the images are mediocre

Due to the way these systems are designed, their standalone output is neither great nor bad. It isn’t unusual to have to generate many images to get even one that’s acceptable. This can get expensive and time-consuming. Even the images that are passable often need substantial post-processing before they can be useful.

They are extremely effective at misinformation and abuse

Setting up a system to create “deepfakes” of a real person is relatively inexpensive and doesn’t require many images of the victim. This capability has been used to abuse children, drive people out of their jobs, frame victims of crimes, and spread misinformation on social media.

AI art generally doesn’t get copyright protection

All AI art should be treated as non-exclusive as a result, unless it is a direct conversion of an existing work, or gets directly integrated into a larger non-AI work.

Many AI vendors seem to be undermining artists and photographers

AI vendors train their systems on the work of artists and photographers without asking permission. They include affordances in their software specifically for copying known artists, again without permission. These tools and systems seem to be positioned as direct replacements for artists and photographers.

AI art is seen by many creative communities as an attack

Using AI art in your business will be seen as a hostile gesture by many, if not most, in creative communities.


Cover for the book 'The Intelligence Illusion'

These cards were made by Baldur Bjarnason.

They are based on the research done for the book The Intelligence Illusion: a practical guide to the business risks of Generative AI .

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