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Snake Oil

AI has a long history of pseudoscience

AI researchers have in the past made impossible claims, such as being able to detect criminality, psychopathy, or sexual orientation from head shape or gait. The field has a long history of pseudoscience.

AI has a long history of over-promising

Throughout the field’s history, the AI industry has routinely claimed that its systems are much more capable than they have turned out to be. There is every indication that this continues today.

AI has a long history of very poor research

AI research tends to be poorly structured, designed to prove a predetermined outcome, be impossible to replicate, or all of the above. Most of the research you see discussed on social media or by journalists is marketing and not structured scientific or academic research.

AI has a long history of outright fraud

The US FTC has repeatedly warned about false promises and dubious practices in the AI industry.

AI has questionable legal and regulatory compliance

Regulatory bodies in the US, Canada, and the EU have opened investigations into recent practices in the AI industry. Many have issued warnings.

AI has privacy and confidentiality issues

Machine “unlearning” is still not practical. The AI does not forget. Confidential and private data has already been leaked because of it.

AI is a magnet for lawsuits

Most of the major AI companies are facing lawsuits because of their practices surrounding copyright and personal data.


Cover for the book 'The Intelligence Illusion'

These cards were made by Baldur Bjarnason.

They are based on the research done for the book The Intelligence Illusion: a practical guide to the business risks of Generative AI .

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