Most AI-generated art is automatically public domain
Every major legal jurisdiction requires human authorship to some extent. Art and text generated from a prompt is very unlikely to be protected by copyright.
This means that anybody can copy and make money off AI-generated works you ‘create’ and you can’t stop them.
Treat AI art and text as non-exclusive
Because of its lack of copyright protection, it’s more appropriate to think of AI works as non-exclusive. Treat them as you would a work provided by a stock art service.
Some AI-generated art is protected
If the generated art or text is integrated into a larger work that is human-authored, then the work as a whole is usually protected.
If you arrange generated works in specific ways, the arrangement is protected—but not the works themselves.
If an AI generates a work from another human-authored work, then the resulting output is a derivative work of the original and is likely to be protected.
Integration into productivity software is vital
By integrating the generation process into a larger writing or creative tool, the work is more likely to be the result of a mix of AI and human work and get copyright protection.
This is not legal advice
Always trust the opinions of a real lawyer over some guy on the internet.
Further reading

These cards were made by Baldur Bjarnason.
They are based on the research done for the book The Intelligence Illusion: a practical guide to the business risks of Generative AI .